Welcome to the site for an Independent and Free Southern Italy!

The Two Sicilies

This site is about the former Independent and Sovereign State of southern Italy, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. It included all continental southern Italy from Abruzzi, including parts of today's Latium (Gaeta and Sora Districts, then part of the Province of "Terra di Lavoro", with Caserta; and parts of the ancient province of L'Aquila: The Cicolano Area and the territories of the Valley of the Velino River, annexed to Lazio by Mussolini in 1923) to Calabria and Apulia, and Sicily (see map below). It was occupied in 1860, without a declaration of war, by the northern Piedmontese Kingdom ruled by the House of Savoy (Kingdom of Sardinia). A ten-year bloody civil war followed, and, as a result, about one million people, Neapolitans and Sicilians, were murdered by the Italian Army of occupation. The Piedmontese (and their northern Italian allies) used methods worst than those used afterwards by Nazis in WWII. POW's of the Two-Sicilian Army were deported in several POW-camps in northern Italy, where many were murdered by throwing them into quicklime. Fifty-four, among towns and villages in southern Italy, were razed to the ground. The National Treasury of the Two Sicilies was robbed and appropriated by the invasors. Even machines from Neapolitan factories were moved to the North, where later the factories of Piedmont, Liguria, and Lombardy (the so-called "Industrial Triangle") sprang up. Economic depression followed because of the colonizing policies of "united" Italy, which, since those times, has exploited the conquered lands as a market for northern productions. This fact effectively cut off any possibility viable, locally owned, factories could ever arise, weeding out even the possibility of competition for northern-based capitals and Industry. To many southerners the only option left was emigration, many to the USA. Still today, the south is treated like a colony of the north, it is underdeveloped and poor, and people have to emigrate abroad (a President of the Italian Republic recently stated southerners must be ready to leave their homes to find a job in the north or abroad).

The Movement for the Autonomy of the Two Sicilies in the European Union

English Edition of Nazione Napoletana (some articles translated into English)

«If you want to help us in building this site, with translations, ideas, anything you can contribute, please, send us an e-mail message: info@duesicilie.org»

A map of southern Italy - The Two Sicilies

'n Siciliano
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