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after six consecutive years of recession

South of Italy in ’catastrophic decline’ after recession

By Nick Squires, The Telegraph 30 Oct 2014
Saturday 8 November 2014

Southern Italy is undergoing catastrophic demographic and industrial decline after six consecutive years of recession, report warns

An article from our "old" site

Southern Italy 2007: How to Perpetuate Myths, Misconception, and Plain Errors.

A Comment to the Report of CSIS «Looking to 2007: Italy times Two».
Saturday 4 August 2012 by duesicilie
The Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), Europe Program, publishes studies aiming at stimulating «discussion on issues of significant importance to Europe and US interests in Europe, and to transatlantic and intra-European relations.» In particular, as the European Union (...)


Our National Team will not participate to the VIVA CUP 2012 in Kurdistan

Cilento acknowledgment by NF-Board an affront to our history
Sunday 25 March 2012 by duesicilie

The Management has decided our National team will not participate in the next VIVA CUP 2012 in Kurdistan, notwithstanding the invitation by the NF-Board. A press release follows (in three languages, English, Italian, French).

Keeping out of key human rights treaty shields Vatican courts from international standards

Vatican smokescreen on human rights

from: Concordat Watch - Religious threats to Human Rights
Thursday 24 November 2011
Concordat Watch Religious threats to Human Rights Vatican smokescreen on human rights The Vatican tries quietly to elevate Church doctrine above human rights. It has not signed some human rights treaties and in some others has made “reservations” which keep it from having to comply. This (...)

Presentation of the the book Terroni in the USA

Those Lies about Italy’s Unification

by Letizia Airos - i-Italy 4 Nov. 2011
Saturday 19 November 2011

Interview with journalist Pino Aprile, author of the successful and contested book Terroni about the conflict between the North, South, and unification of Italy. The cover image of the book effectively communicates its theme: a map of Italy that’s been turned upside down with Sicily on top.
The writer tells us about the topics that will be addressed during the debate between him and Lorenzo del Boca (author of another controversial book entitled Polentoni), moderated by Prof. Anthony J. Tamburri of the Calandra Institute.

At the Symposium "Polentoni and Terroni" - New York

“Polentoni” have Fared no Better than “Terroni”

by Letizia Airos - i-Italy 3 Nov. 2011
Saturday 19 November 2011

Interview with writer and President Emeritus of the Order of Journalists Lorenzo Del Boca who on November 10 has joined Pino Aprile at the symposium “Terroni e Polentoni” organized by ILICA. IAn opportunity to reflect on the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy whose history, according to some, should be rewritten


Europe’s ticking time bomb

by Katherine Barnes - Nature 12 May 2011
Tuesday 14 June 2011
Volcanology: Europe’s ticking time bomb Vesuvius is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world — but scientists and the civil authorities can’t agree on how to prepare for a future eruption. Katherine Barnes It starts with a blast so strong that a column of ash and stone rockets 40 (...)

Clean - Up in Naples

Naples: Change is taking place bottom-up

by Tony Quattrone- from NaplesPolitics Blog
Monday 13 June 2011

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An unorthodox view

Garibaldi and the Risorgimento paved the way for Fascism and EU

by Gerard Warner, telegraph.co.uk
Monday 2 August 2010
It pains me to contradict Daniel Hannan, whose relentless bombardment of the Evil Empire based in Brussels is an inspiration and a joy to read, but in praising Garibaldi and the Risorgimento he has got hold of the wrong end of the stick. The forcible unification of the geographical expression (...)

Before the Big Event, Regions and Nations Not Recognized by FIFA Pick Their Own Champion

The World Cup For Everyone Else

Dal Wall Street Journal 2 giugno 2010
Wednesday 2 June 2010
Provence (in white) faced off against the Kingdom of the two Sicilies in this week’s Viva World Cup. By MAX COLCHESTER If you’re eager for the latest match analysis from the World Cup, which just got under way Monday in Malta, you’ve come to the right place. Provence kicked off the tournament (...)

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