A List of the words used in the pronunciation sections
'a ddo [a d'do] - where from?
'a ró? [a 'ro] - where from?
abbuscà [,abbu'ca] - to earn/to lose, to be beaten up
accattà [,akkat'ta] - to buy
accio ['att] - celery
accirere [at'tirr] - to kill
accussí [akkus'si] - so
addó? [ad'do] - where?
affatato [,affa'tat] - magic
aggenzía [,addn'tsi] - agency
agghiajà [,aggja'ja] - to terrify, to panic
allascà [,alla'ka] - to loosen, to slacken
ammore [am'mor] - love
annascónnere [,anna'konnr] - to hide
apiérto [a'pjert] - open
appiccecarse [ap,pitt'karz] - to quarrel, to have a tiff
ascí [a'i] - to go out
attenzione [atten'tsjn] - attention
attone [at'ton] - brass
attrasso [at'trass] - delay
azzióna [at'tsjon] - action
buatta ['bwatt] - can
buttéglia [but'te] - bottle
cadé [ka'de/ka're] - to fall
cammarera: 'a cammarera [a ,kamm'rr] - the waitress.
cammera ['kammr/'kammar] - room, chamber
caré v. cadé
casa ['kasa] - house
cazetta [ka'tstt] - sock
cazone [ka'tson] - trousers
ccà ['kka] - here
cerasa [t'ras] - cherry
cèveza ['tvts] - mulberry, sycamine
chi ['ki] - who.
chiagnenno [kja'enn] - crying
chiaja ['kjaj] - beach
chiammà [kjam'ma] - to call, to name
chiovere ['kjvr] - to rain.
ciaola ['tal] - magpie
ciòciole ['ttl] - different types of dried fruits
ciore v. sciore
clown ['klawn] - clown
coce ['k]/[kt] - (it) cooks, it is hot
comme [ 'komm] - how
core [kr] - heart
corrono ['korrn] - (they) run
cózzeca ['kottsk] - crust
còzzeca ['kttsk] - mussel
craje ['kraj] - tomorrow
cresommela [kr'smml] - apricot
cunosco: 'o cunosco [,o ku'nok] - (I) know him
curreja [kur'rej] - belt
darwinismo [,darvi'nism] - Darwinism
dimane [di'man/ri'man] - tomorrow
faje ['faj] - (you) do.
femmena: 'a femmena [a 'fmmn] - the woman-the female
fierro: o ffierro [o 'ffjrr] - iron
Gaitano [ai'tan]/[ai'tan] - A personal name (sometimes spelled Aitano)
gallo ['all]/['all] - rooster
gatta ['att]/[att] {or also jatta ['jatt]} - she-cat
gavina [ga'vin] - seagull
germanése [derma'nes] - German
gghiuorno, v. juorno
giaànte [dja'ant] - giant
giarra ['darr] - pitcher, jug
giesummino [,djesum'min] - jasmine
gioverí [dv'ri] - Thursday
glícene ['glitn] - wistaria (W. sinensis), a flower
glicerina [,glit'rin] - glycerin
gliòmmero ['jmmr] - ball (of wool/cotton)
glucosio [glu'ksj] - glucose.
grano ['ran]/['ran] - wheat (sometimes spelled rano)
grarella [gra'rell] - step
guaglió [wa'jo] - boy (vocative)
guajo ['waj/'waj] - trouble
haje [aj] (you, singular) have
jamme ['jamm]v. let us go
jatta v. gatta
jucà [ju'ka] - to play
juorno [ 'jworn] - day; è gghiuorno [, g'gjworn] - it is daytime
kaiser [,kaj'ser] - kaiser
kibbuz [kib'buts] - kibbutz
kilo ['kil] - kilogram
Kippur [kip'pur] - Yom Kippur
koala [ko'al] - koala
koinè [koj'n] - koine
lassà [las'sa] - to leave
lemmosina [lm'mzin] - alms
libbro ['libbr] - book
luciano [lut'jan] - resident of Santa Lucía (a district of Naples)
maje ['maj] - never
'a mamma [a'mamm] - the mother
mammeta ['mammat/'mammt] - your mother
massaría [mssa'ri] - farm
mese: 'o mese [o'mes] - the month
nciucià [tu'ta] - to gossip
ncuietà [kwje'ta] - to bother, to annoy
ngarrà [gar'ra] - to guess
ngelusí [dlu'si] - to make jealous
ngiallí [ndjal'li] - to yellow, to make/become yellow
Nnapule ['nnapul] - Naples
nonno: 'o nonno [o'nonn] - the grandfather, grandpa
nu bbellu guaglione [nub,bllugwa'on] - a beautiful boy
nun pozzo [,nu 'potts] - (I) can't
ogne (ógne) ['o] - nails
ogne (ògne) ['] - each/every
ommo ['mm] - man
pane: o ppane [o 'ppan] - bread
pecché [pk'ke] - why - because
penzace ['pndzt/'pndzat] - think about it
pesce: 'o pesce [o'pe] - the fish
provola: 'a provola [a'prvol] - (a type of cheese.)
puveriello [puv'rjell] - poor
quanta vote [,wanta'vt] - so many times!
quàteno: 'o quàteno [o 'watn] - the aim, the object
quatto ['watt] - four
rimane, v. dimane
sapé [sa'pe] - to know
scatolo ['katl] - box, case
scetà [e'ta] - to awake
sciamma [amm] - flame {today, because of the influence of standard Italian, it is also used fiamma ['fjamm]}
scinnere ['inner] - to descend
sciore or ciore ['or]/['tor] flower; Plural: 'e ciure/'e sciure [e'tur]/[e'ur] - the flowers
sciummo ['umm] - river
scolamaccarune: 'a scolamaccarune [a,klamakka'run] - drainer for pasta
sdignà [sdi'a] - to be outraged, to become irritated
sentí [sen'ti] - to hear, to feel
sfizzio ['fittsj] - whim, fancy
sgarrà [gar'ra] - to make a mistake, to insult, to affront
shiamma, v. sciamma
shiore, v. sciore
shiummo, v. sciummo
sî ['si:] - (you) are
si ['si] - if
sí ['si] - yes
signale: 'o signale [o si'al] - the signal
sociale [st'jal] - social.
sórece ['sort] - mouse
sparà [pa'ra] - to shoot
spazzio ['pattsj] - space
stato ['stat] - state, (have) been
svení [v'ni] - to faint
tanta juorne [,tanta'jworn] - so many days
te parlaje [tpar'laj] - (I/he) talked to you.
testa ['tst] - flower pot
trasí [tra'si] - to enter
turreno [tur'rn] (also: terreno [tr'rn]) - ground
uoglio ['woj] - oil
venimmo [v'nimm] - (we) come
wagneriano [,vagn'rjan] - Wagnerian
watusso [va'tuss] - somebody very tall and slim, a Watutsi
western ['wstern] - western (a cow boys movie)
würstel ['vurstel] - frankfurter
Xèno ['ksn] - Xenon
xenòfobo [ks'nfbb] - xenophobic
xilema [ksi'lm] - xylem
xilofono [ksi'lfn] - xylophone
yacht ['jt] - yacht
yiddish [jid'di] - Yiddish
yogurt [j'gurt] - yoghurt
yucca ['jukk] - yucca
zia ['tsi]; 'a zia [a'tsi]- the aunt; plural: 'e zzie [e ts'tsi] the aunts
zio ['tsi]; 'o zio [o'tsi] - the uncle; plural: 'e zie [et'tsi] the uncles
zuccaro ['tsukkr] - sugar