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Alcuni riferimenti bibliografici, discografici e links sulla storia, letteratura e musica dell’Italia meridionale e della diaspora sud italiana.
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Some Selected References and links on southern Italian and southern Italian Diaspora History, Literature, and Music.
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[*** LINKS]

(southern Italian: History, Politics, Cultural Studies)

Harold Acton, 1998. The Bourbons of Naples. Prion: London (Originally published in 1957). A B

Beverly Allen and Mary Russo (Eds), 1997. Revisioning Italy. National Identity and Global Culture. University of Minnesota Press.

Ernle Bradford, 1991. Hannibal. Dorset Press: New York. (Originally published in 1981).

Martin Clark, 1998. The Italian Risorgimento (Series: Seminar Studies in History). Longman: London and New York.

Jean-Michel David, 1997. The Roman Conquest of Italy. Translated by Antonia Nevill. Blackwell Publisher: Oxford and Malden, Mass. (This is a reprint with corrections of the 1st English Edition of 1996; Originally published as "La Romanisation de l'Italie" in 1994).

Spencer M. Di Scala, 1995. Italy: From Revolution to Republic. 1700 to Present. Westview Press: Boulder, Colorado.

David Forgacs and Robert Lumley (Eds.), 1996. Italian Cultural Studies. An Introduction. Oxford University Press: Oxford, New York, etc.

Gregory Hanlon, 1998. The Twilight of A Military Tradition. Italian Aristocrats and European Conflicts, 1560-1800. Holmes & Meier: New York.

Robert Lumley and Jonathan Morris (Eds.), 1997. The New History of the Italian South. The Mezzogiorno Revisited. University of Exeter Press.

Hilary Partridge, 1998. Italian Politics Today (Series: Politics Today). Manchester University Press.

Robet D. Putnam, 1993. Making Democracy Work. Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton University Press.

Domenico Sella, 1997. Italy's in the Seventeenth Century (Series: Longman History of Italy). Longman: London and New York.

Denis Mack Smith, 1997. Modern Italy. A Political History. University of Michigan Press. (This was originally published as: Italy: A Modern History, 1959, revised edn. 1969).

Jane Schneider (Ed.), 1998. Italy's "Southern Question". Orientalism in One Country. Berg: Oxford and New York.

Emilio Sereni, 1997. History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape.Translated by R. Burr Litchfield. Princeton University Press. (Originally published in 1961 as Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano, translation based on the Biblioteca Universale Laterza Edition, 1989).

Angelantonio Spagnoletti, 1997. Storia del Regno delle Due Sicilie (Serie: Le vie della civiltà). Il Mulino: Bologna.


(southern Italian: Literature)

Tommaso Campanella, 1981. La Città del Sole: Dialogo Poetico-The City of the Sun: A Poetical Dialogue. Translated with intruduction and notes by Daniel J. Donno. . Biblioteca Italiana. University of California Press. [Bilingual Edition. Translation based on the Italian Text edited by Luigi Firpo] (Originally published in 1623 as Civitas Solis).

Maria Orsini Natale, 1998. Francesca e Nunziata. Romanzo. 2nd reprint (1st Reprint 1996). Avagliano Editore: Cava de' Tirreni (Salerno).


(Diaspora: History, Politics, Cultural Studies)

Domenic Candeloro, Fred L. Gardaphe, Paolo A. Giordano (Eds.), 1990. Italian Ethnics: Their Languages, Literature and Lives. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the American Italian Historical Association (1987). The American Italian Historical Association: Staten Island, NY.

Antonio D'Alfonso, 1996. In Italics. In Defense of Ethnicity. Guernica: Montreal.

Richard Gambino, 1996. Blood of my Blood. Guernica: Montreal.

Richard Gambino, 1998. Vendetta: The True Story of the Largest Lynching in U.S. History. Guernica: Montreal.

Richard N. Juliani, Philip V. Cannistraro (Eds.), 1989. Italian Americans: The Search for a Usable Past. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the American Italian Historical Association (1986). The American Italian Historical Association: Staten Island, NY.

Jerome Krase and Judith N. DeSena (Eds.), 1994. Italian Americans in a Multicultural Society. Proceedings of the Symposium of the American Italian Historical Association (1993). Forum Italicum Supplement. Filibrary No. 7. Forum Italicum: Stony Brook, NY

Jerome Krase and William Egelman (Eds.), 1987. The Melting Pot and Beyond: Italian Americans in the year 2000. Proceedings of the XVIII Annual Conference of the American Italian Historical Association (1985). The American Italian Historical Association: Staten Island, NY.

Michael LaSorte, 1985. La Merica: Images of Italian Greenhorn Experience. Temple University Press: Philadelphia.

Alberto Meloni, 1978. Italian Americans: A Study Guide and Source Book. R&E Research Associates: San Francisco Calif.

Pasquale Verdicchio, 1997. Bound by Distance: Rethinking Nationalism through the Italian Diaspora. Associated University Presses.
***[Author's Home Pages: Verdicchio Views & Reviews]

(Diaspora: Literature)

Salvatore Amico M. Buttaci, 1998. A Family of Sicilians: Stories and Poems. Published by the Author, Saddle Brook, NJ.

A. Kenneth Ciongoli and Jay Parini (Eds), 1997. Beyond the Godfather. Italian American Writers on the Real Italian American Experience. University Press of New England: Hanover and London.

Jerre Mangione, 1998. Mount Allegro. A Memoir of Italian American Life. Syracuse University Press (Originally published in 1942).

Marco Micone, 1991. Two Plays: Voiceless People, Addolorata. Guernica: Montreal. (Originally published in French as "Gens du silence & Addolorata", 1982; Translated by Maurizia Binda).
***[Author's Home Page: Répertoire du CEAD: Marco Micone]

***Athabasca University - A History of Italian-Canadian Writing

(General reference)

John Edwards, 1995. Multilingualism. Penguin Books: London, New York, etc. (Originally published by Routledge in 1994).

Marco Guarneri, 1997. Hippocrene Concise Dictionary: Sicilian (Sicilian-English/English-Sicilian). Hippocrene: NY

Knopf Guides, 1996. Naples and Pompeii. A. Knopf: New York. (Originally published in French, 1996. Translated by Laura Ward and Wendy Allatson).

Rosina Lippi-Green, 1997. English with an Accent: Language, Ideology, and Discrimination in the United States. Routledge: London and New York.

Robert Miles, 1989. Racism. (Series: Key Ideas). Routledge: London and New York.



Musica duosiciliana - southern Italian Music:

Questa è una lista limitata basata su ciò che avevo sottomano. Per favore, aggiungete le vostre selezioni preferite.

This is a very incomplete selection based on what I had available. Please, feel free to add your preferred selections.



Francesco Capuano (A cura di), 1996. Canzoni classiche napoletane-Neapolitan Classic Songs. Con accordi per chitarra e pianoforte-Including Chords for Guitar and Piano. X-Press - Torre Edizioni: Napoli.

James Tyler and Paul Sparks, 1989. The Early Mandolin, The Mandolino and the Neapolitan Mandoline (Early Music Series 9). Clarendon Press: Oxford (Paperback edition 1992)




Musica da Camera a Napoli: Durante, Mancini, A.Scarlatti, D. Scarlatti. Il Giardino Armonico. Teldec Classics International 1994 (4509-93157-2)

Music for Napoléon Bonaparte's Chapel: Giovanni Paisiello. Orchestre Symphonique de Prague. Director: E. Brizio. Studio SM 1994 (12 2389)

Ariettes et Cavatines: Mauro Giuliani - Ferdinando Carulli. M. Barazzoni, soprano. S. Volta, guitares. Arion 1994 (ARN 68281)

La Musica Strumentale nel '700 Napoletano: Francesco Durante, Alessio Prati, Angelo Ragazzi. I Solisti Partenopei, Ivano Caiazza. Kicco Music 1996 (KC00396CD)

Cinque Concerti per Flauto ed Archi di Scuola Napoletana del Settecento: Servillo, Papa, Sciroli, Prota, Angrisani. G.L. Petrucci, Camerata Schubert, C.F. Sedazzari. Bongiovanni 1995 (GB 5553-2)

"Sui palchi delle stelle". Musica sacra nei conservatori napoletani all'epoca di Francesco Provenzale (1660-1700). Cappella della Pietà dei Turchini. Direttore Antonio Florio. Simphonia 1993 (SY 93S20)

La serva padrona. Opera di Giovanni Paisiello (1740-1816). Jeanne Marie Bima, Petteri Salomaa. Münchner Rundfunkorchester. Dir. Hans Ludwig Hirsch. Arts Music 1997 (47152-2)

Musica Napoletana: Pergolesi, Durante, Leo, Scarlatti. Concerto Köln. Capriccio 1993 (10 378)

L'Organo Napoletano nel XVIII Secolo: Composizioni da Camera. Organo: Arturo Sacchetti. Pilz UK 1994 (447153-2)

Paisiello: The Complete Piano Concertos. Vol. 1 (Concertos 2, 3, 4, 6). Piano: Mariaclara Monetti, English Chamber Orchestra. ASV (CD DCA 873)

Paisiello: The Complete Piano Concertos. Vol. 2 (Concertos 1, 5, 7, 8). Piano: Mariaclara Monetti, English Chamber Orchestra. ASV (CD DCA 872)

Domenico Cimarosa: Tre Sinfonie Concerto per Clavicembalo. Elzbieta Stefanska Lukowicz, The Masterplayers, Richard Schumacher. Italia Nuova Fonit Cetra 1995 [CDC 98]

Pergolesi: Stabat Mater & Salve Regina; Scarlatti: Salve Regina. June Anderson & Cecilia Bartoli. Sinfonietta de Montréal. Dir. Charles Dutoit. Decca 1993 (BA 925)


Canzone Napoletana e altra musica di stile tradizionale meridionale, antica e moderna.
Neapolitan Song, and other southern Italian Traditional-Style Music, Old and Modern.

Napoletana: Antologia Cronologica della Canzone Partenopea. Roberto Murolo. Vol. 1 (2 CD's) - 1200-1894. BMG Ricordi 1997 [74321391422 (2)]

Napoletana: Antologia Cronologica della Canzone Partenopea. Roberto Murolo. Vol. 2 (2 CD's) - 1897-1938. BMG Ricordi 1997 [74321391432 (2)]

Napoletana: Antologia Cronologica della Canzone Partenopea. Roberto Murolo. Vol. 3 (3 CD's) - 1940-1962. BMG Ricordi 1998 [74321391442 (3)]

Il Canto di Napoli. 6 CD's. L'Arca Società Editrice de l'Unità. 1998

Tarantella Tarantata. Danza Cosmica, Suono e Colore: Antonio Infantino e i Tarantolati di Tricarico. Amiata Records 1996 (ARNR 2396).

E Zezi: Gruppo Operaio - The Worker Group. Pummarola Black. Lyrichord (No Date) [LYRCD 7426]

Teresa De Sio: Voglia 'e turnà. PolyGram 1992 [512 811-2]

Eugenio Bennato e MusicaNova: Mille e una notte fa. Tring 1997 [TRI 039]

Nino D'Angelo: A nu passo d''a città. Ediz. Musicali Biondo/RTI Music 1997 [RTI 20342]

La Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare (NCCP): Incanto Acustico. (Live). CGD East West 1996 [0630 16313-2]


Rock & Hip Hop:

Almamegretta: Animamigrante. Anagrumba (BMG) 1993 [74321-18092-2]

Almamegretta: Sanacore 1995. Anagrumba (BMG) 1995 [74321-28765-2]

Almamegretta: Lingo. Anagrumba (BMG) 1998 [74321548252]

The best of Pino Daniele: Yes I know my Way. CGD East West (Warner Bros.) (No Date, ca. 1998) [3984 22818-2]

99 Posse: Cerco Tiempo. 2 CD's. BMG 1998 [74321570722(2)]

***For a link about Italian Rap (Hip Hop), with information also on southern Italian bands go to http://www.italianrap.com/

***Verdicchio's site on southern Italian Hip Hop, Tarantamuffin, etc. Ritmo

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